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Mutua de los Ingenieros is committed to STEM talent with Inspira Tlab, a contest of technological projects for young people

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Within the framework of InspiraTlab 2023, the competition for technological projects for young people launched by La Mutua de los Ingenieros, Demo Day was held. During the event, the students of 1st ESO of the La Ferreria de Montcada i Reixac public institute, participants in this first edition, have been able to present their technological projects worked on during the last month.

“This initiative has the objective of providing visibility to STEM disciplines among the young public, especially among female students,” says Susanna Carmona, general director of the mutual society. And he adds: “You have to avoid the stereotypes that STEM careers are for them.”

The InspiraTlab project was born from the commitment of La Mutua de los Ingenieros to promote the promotion of STEM vocations, especially among women. For this reason, each group has been led by a girl, who has been in charge of directing the project.

To select the best project presented, the event has had the participation of a jury made up of: Susanna Carmona, general director of La Mutua de los Ingenieros; Mariló Casas, president of the Equity, Technology and Future Commission of the COEIC; Elisabeth Jordà, industrial engineer by training and director of Strategy and Innovation at the Mediterranean Technology Park and president of the XPCAT; Marta Nolis, director of Accel&Grow and Kofi Senaya, director of Variant Work.

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The La Mutua de los Ingenieros Group has more than 60 years of experience in the insurance and savings sector. It provides a comprehensive service to individuals, companies, associations and technical groups, both in engineering and in other disciplines.

It is made up of the Mutualitat dels Enginyers MPS; the insurance brokerage, Serpreco SA; the subscription agency, Crouco SL; the financial advisory company, Mutuavalors EAF, the startup accelerator, Accel&Grow SL, Variant Work consulting Agency, S.L. and the insurance broker Calzado, Ariet y Asociados SL.

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