Author: adminTL

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Timplines Global Business Group: hydraulic power pack flushing experts revolutionize efficiency in industrial processes

May 30, 2024 – In the world of industry, efficiency and precision are crucial to success. In this context, Timplines Global Group of Companies, a leading engineering and service company for hydraulic systems, has emerged as a powerhouse in the flushing of hydraulic power units (HP) of industrial process lines. Timplines Global, with extensive experience […]

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Timplines Euskadi: the new subsidiary of Timplines Global Business Group opens its doors in the Basque Country

The Timplines Global Business Group takes another step in its expansion with the opening of Timplines Euskadi, a new subsidiary strategically located in the Basque Country. March 1, 2024. Timplines Global Business Group has taken another step in its expansion with the opening of a new subsidiary in the Basque Country, under the name of […]

CONTINUE READING Timplines Euskadi: the new subsidiary of Timplines Global Business Group opens its doors in the Basque Country 1 min read
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The Timplines Global Group has assembled the blanking line with servo press in the United States

A multidisciplinary team traveled to South Carolina (USA) to carry out this assembly. September 20, 2023. Blanking lines with servo presses have emerged in recent years as an improved alternative to conventional clutch-brake lines. Thanks to them, installations improve productivity with efficient energy consumption. Press blanking lines allow complex geometries to be cut and stacked […]

CONTINUE READING The Timplines Global Group has assembled the blanking line with servo press in the United States 1 min read
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ALONG, part of the Timplines Global Group of Companies, leads the industrial maintenance sector in large projects

September 5, 2023 – ALONG, S.L., a leading company within the Timplines Global Business Group, has positioned itself as a benchmark in the field of industrial maintenance in large projects. Under the presidency of Arturo Sebastián and the executive management of Borja Sebastián, the company has demonstrated the importance of maintenance in the useful life […]

CONTINUE READING ALONG, part of the Timplines Global Group of Companies, leads the industrial maintenance sector in large projects 1 min read
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Timplines Global Business Group strengthens International Presence with the Opening of SudAmérica Timplines in Lima, Peru

July 18, 2023 – Leading industrial business group, Timplines Global, has announced the opening of its new subsidiary in Lima, Peru: SudAmérica Timplines. This new strategic addition will allow Timplines Global to expand its reach on the South American continent and strengthen its international presence. SudAmérica Timplines, headquartered in Lima, Peru, will be established as […]

CONTINUE READING Timplines Global Business Group strengthens International Presence with the Opening of SudAmérica Timplines in Lima, Peru 1 min read
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The Timplines Global Business Group gratefully bids farewell to Gustavo Álvarez after 20 years of dedication to the company

June 22, 2023 – Timplines Global, is proud to announce the retirement of one of its longest serving and most valued employees, Gustavo Alvarez. After an outstanding 20-year career with the company, Gustavo has decided to embark on a new phase of his life and enjoy the well-deserved rest that retirement offers. Gustavo Alvarez joined […]

CONTINUE READING The Timplines Global Business Group gratefully bids farewell to Gustavo Álvarez after 20 years of dedication to the company 1 min read
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Timplines Global consolidates its position as the Timplines Global Business Group, a leading company in the industrial maintenance sector.

29th May. A few months ago, the company announced the beginning of the transformation of its corporate identity. With this change now complete, the Timplines Global Business Group presents itself to its public with a new image and with all its companies unified and grouped together within the group.  The main objective of this transformation […]

CONTINUE READING Timplines Global consolidates its position as the Timplines Global Business Group, a leading company in the industrial maintenance sector. 1 min read
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La empresa Timplines Global se consolida cómo Grupo Empresarial Timplines Global, empresa líder en el sector del mantenimiento industrial

29 de mayo. Hace unos meses, la empresa ya anunció el comienzo de la transformación de su identidad corporativa. Con este cambio ya terminado, el Grupo Empresarial Timplines Global se presenta a sus públicos con una nueva imagen y con todas sus empresas unificadas y agrupadas dentro del grupo. El objetivo principal de esta transformación […]

CONTINUE READING La empresa Timplines Global se consolida cómo Grupo Empresarial Timplines Global, empresa líder en el sector del mantenimiento industrial 1 min read
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Mutua de los Ingenieros is committed to STEM talent with Inspira Tlab, a contest of technological projects for young people

Within the framework of InspiraTlab 2023, the competition for technological projects for young people launched by La Mutua de los Ingenieros, Demo Day was held. During the event, the students of 1st ESO of the La Ferreria de Montcada i Reixac public institute, participants in this first edition, have been able to present their technological […]

CONTINUE READING Mutua de los Ingenieros is committed to STEM talent with Inspira Tlab, a contest of technological projects for young people 1 min read
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Industrial engineers see the Generalitat’s energy plan for 2030 and 2050 as unfeasible

The College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia warns that the Generalitat of Catalonia’s roadmap to meet the European goal of climate neutrality in 2050 is unrealizable, as is achieving the intermediate goal of 2030. In a report on the energy transition in Catalonia consulted by the Economist, the engineers consider that the consumption forecasts of […]

CONTINUE READING Industrial engineers see the Generalitat’s energy plan for 2030 and 2050 as unfeasible 1 min read